There are a few questions that tend to come up around earnings reports. For starters, many people want to know when exactly these reports come out. Secondly, some investors and traders are curious about why companies sometimes release their earnings after the market closes. So why are earnings released after hours?

And finally, there is always the question of what happens to a company's stock price once the report is released. Let’s find out.

Why are earnings released after hours? 

One of the most common questions we get is why companies release their earnings after the market closes. The simple answer is that this allows the company to put out its news without having to worry about any immediate reaction from investors. 

This way, management can have a complete conversation with analysts about the numbers before trading begins again and the stock price starts moving. It also gives investors time to digest the information and make more informed decisions before buying or selling shares. 

So while there may be some inconvenience for those who want to trade right away, in the long run, it benefits everyone involved. 

Earnings are important news, and companies must be able to release them in the most responsible way possible. Now that we've answered the question of why earnings reports come out after hours, let's talk about when exactly these reports are released. 

What time of day are earnings released? 

As a review, companies will often release their earnings after the markets have closed for the day. This is because they want to avoid any potential conflicts of interest and give analysts time to review the information. 

While it might seem like a small thing, the time of day that a company releases its earnings can have a big impact on how investors react. If a company releases its earnings late in the day, it might be seen as trying to hide bad news. 

On the other hand, if a company releases its earnings early in the day, it might be seen as being transparent and giving investors time to digest the information. The timing of an earnings release can therefore have a big impact on how investors react to the news. 

This means that the management of the company should not take this decision lightly. As mentioned above, there are strategic benefits and drawbacks to releasing earnings early or late in the day. It is up to the management of the company to decide what is best for its shareholders. 

What time of day do earnings reports come out? 

The vast majority of companies release their earnings sometime between four and six pm EST. This is because the stock market closes at four pm EST, so there is no trading going on during this time. 

This gives companies a two-hour window to release their news without any immediate reaction from the markets. Of course, there will always be some investors who are monitoring the news after hours, but for the most part, trading is halted until the next day. 

Why would a company release earnings late? 

There are a few reasons why a company might release its earnings late. The most common reason is that the company wants to avoid any immediate reaction from the markets. 

As we mentioned before, releasing earnings after hours allows management to have a clear and concise conversation with analysts about the numbers before allowing traders to buy or sell shares. 

By focusing on understanding the information rather than panicking or becoming euphoric about the news, investors can make more informed decisions. A company might also release earnings late if it wants to time its news with other important announcements. 

For example, if a company is planning to release a new product, it might want to wait until after its earnings report to make the announcement. This way, investors can factor in the company's financial health when making their decision about whether or not to buy the product. 

Another reason why a company might release earnings late is that they want to wait until all of the information is ready. Earnings reports can be complex, and everything must be accurate before they are released. If a company is waiting on some final numbers, it might make sense to wait and release the report all at once rather than piecemeal. 

The last reason why, say, a bank might release their earnings late is that they want to avoid any potential conflicts of interest. For example, if a bank releases its earnings before they announce a major merger, it could be seen as insider trading. 

By waiting to release the news until after the announcement, the bank can avoid any potential legal issues. Now that we know a bit about when companies release their earnings and why, let's talk about what happens after the reports are released. One of the most common reactions to an earnings report is for the stock price to drop. 

Why do stocks drop after the earnings call? 

There are a few reasons for this. First, as we mentioned before, earnings reports can be complex. It can take investors a while to understand all of the information that is being released. Second, when a company releases its earnings, it is usually giving guidance for the future. 

This guidance can be lower than what analysts were expecting, which can cause the stock price to drop. 

Finally, even if a company meets or beats earnings expectations, the stock price might still drop because the company might have given guidance that was lower than what investors were hoping for. 

This can happen for glamour stocks, which are stocks that have high valuations and are often expected to continue growing at an exceptional rate. It might seem counterintuitive, but it is not unusual for a stock price to drop even after a positive earnings report. 

The reasons above can be a reason for this strange outcome. But a more sensible cause is that stockholders are selling to take their profits. Now that we've talked about what happens after an earnings report is released, let's talk about the purpose of these reports. 

What is the purpose of earnings release? 

The purpose of an earnings release is to give investors and analysts a clear picture of a company's financial health. This information can be used to make decisions about whether or not to buy or sell shares of the company. Without an earnings release, it would be much more difficult for investors to make informed decisions about the companies they are interested in. 

How do companies decide when to report earnings? 

Every company is different and will have its own reasons for releasing earnings at a certain time. Some companies may be strategic about releasing earnings early in the day so that they can get the most attention from investors. 

Others may want to release earnings late in the day so that they can avoid any potential market volatility. While others may not overthink it and just release earnings whenever they're ready. Ultimately, it is up to the company to decide when to release its earnings report. 

Some companies may choose to do so quarterly, while others may do so more frequently or less frequently. There is no right or wrong answer, and each company will make its own decision based on what is best for them. 


As an investor, you may be anticipating the release of a company's earnings report. It is important to remember that these reports can come out at any time, and the timing of the release can impact how investors react. 

You can receive a notification by subscribing to a company's email list or by contacting their investor relations department. There are also several platforms that can show you earrings releases. Remember that earnings reports serve the purpose of giving investors a clear picture of a company's financial health. 

This information explains specific details about a company's revenue, expenses, and profitability. With this in mind, you can use earnings reports to help you make informed investment decisions.