It's no secret that emotions can often get in the way of making sound decisions. This is especially true when it comes to investing, where fear and greed can lead investors astray. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common emotional investing mistakes, and how to avoid them. 

By following these tips, you can protect your hard earned money and ensure that your investments are rational and logical.

What is emotional investing?

Emotional investing is when investors allow their emotions to dictate their investment decisions. This can lead to impulsive decisions that are not based on logical reasoning or a thorough analysis of the situation. 

Fear and greed are the two most common emotions that can lead to emotional investing mistakes. Although these are the two most common, they certainly aren't the only emotional mistakes that can be found in the markets.

How do you detach from money when investing?

It can be difficult to detach from money when investing, as we often have a strong emotional attachment to our hard-earned cash. However, it is important to remember that investments are meant to be long-term. 

This means that you should not make any decisions based on short-term market fluctuations. Instead, focus on your overall investment strategy and goals. By staying disciplined and sticking to your plan, you can avoid making costly mistakes. The best way to detach money when investing is to make sure that your investment decisions are not based on greed or fear.

Greed is when you envision a future in which you have more money than you know what to do with, and you want that future now—so you make investments that could put you at risk of losing money, just because it will potentially pay off big later.

Fear is the opposite of greed: It's only when you see the potential for a major loss, and so you make investments that are safe but also don't offer huge growth potential. This can also be described as 'Paralysis by Analysis.

Neither of these approaches is optimal: if you're too greedy, you're going to take risks that might not pan out; if you're too fearful, then you aren't going to take enough risks—you'll be too cautious. The right approach is somewhere in between: take enough risks so that there's a good chance of making money, but don't get carried away with the idea of getting rich quickly.

Rather than being attached to the money, let the money work for you. After all, even if you have money in the bank, they are just pieces of paper with pictures of dead presidents on them. The value is in what you can do with that money, not the actual money itself. 

It might be emotionally painful to know that inflation is also eating away at your hard-earned cash, but it's important to remember that money is just a tool.

You can use that tool to create the future you desire or you can let the bank invest for you. When you have money in a savings account, technically, the bank is investing that money. 

You're just letting them do it for you because it's easier and less risky than trying to do it yourself. But, you are already not attached to your money.

Even money under your mattress or in a safe is being devalued by inflation. So putting your emotions aside and realizing that investing might just be the most logical thing to do with your money might be beneficial. 

The more you learn about money, business, and credit, the less attached you'll become to them. This is because you'll know how to make more of it and how to passively earn more. Having a scarcity mindset around money can cause many people to hoard cash but that's not an effective use of capital. 

Remember that ever since Richard Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, it become a fiat currency that was not backed by anything. The federal reserve can and they do keep printing more and more of it. So why be attached to something that is becoming more and more readily available?

Once this concept is understood, some people will begin investing. But then they get attached to the money in their investment accounts. They begin to check every other hour. Panic and disturbed sleep patterns might also be a sign of investment attachment. 

To avoid this type of attachment, don't invest above your risk tolerance. This will help you sleep at night and not think about your investments all day. It's also important to remember to invest in undervalued companies. 

With undervalued companies, even if the market crashes, you know that you got into a position that is below the asset's intrinsic value. This can be an opportune to average down if the correction is not serious and the fundamentals are strong. 

Having a long time horizon is another key to successful investing. If you have a long time horizon, then you're less likely to be attached to your investments because you know that you can afford to be patient and ride out the market's ups and downs. If you have a decade-long time frame, the daily volatility shouldn't be as bothersome. 

1. Letting Fear Drive Your Investment Decisions

The first emotional mistake that investors often make is letting fear drive their decisions. When the stock market is volatile or when there is bad news about a particular company, it can be tempting to sell all of your investments and get out of the market. 

However, this is usually not a good idea. While it is important to monitor your investments and make sure that they are performing well, selling everything in a panic is rarely the best solution. 

Fear of missing out or FOMO can also lead investors astray. When everyone around you is making money in the stock market, it can be tempting to invest without doing your homework first. This can lead to investing in risky companies or even investment vehicles that you don't understand.

How To Avoid

The best way to avoid letting fear drive your investment decisions is to have a plan. You should know what your investment goals are and what you are willing to risk before you ever invest a dime. Once you have a plan, stick to it! 

Don't let emotions or outside influences cause you to stray from your plan. If you feel anxiety in any form, it's also helpful to step away from your investment portfolio and assess the situation with a clear head. 

2. Attachment

The second emotional mistake that investors often make is becoming attached to their investments. It is important to remember that investing is a long-term process and that the stocks or other assets you purchase today may not be worth the same tomorrow. 

If you become too attached to your investments, you may be reluctant to sell them even when it is in your best interest to do so.

How To Avoid

To avoid becoming too attached to your investments, try to think of them as part of a larger portfolio. This will help you to see them in perspective and make decisions based on what is best for your overall financial goals, rather than emotions. 

3. Overconfidence

The third emotional mistake that investors make is related to overconfidence. When we are confident in our abilities, we often take more risks than we should. This can lead to big losses if the market doesn't perform as expected.

How to Avoid

To avoid taking too much risk, it is important to always stay humble and remember that the market can be unpredictable. When making investment decisions, be sure to base them on research and data, rather than gut feelings or emotions.

4. Fear

The fourth emotional mistake that investors make is succumbing to fear. When the market is down, it can be tempting to sell all of your investments and get out. However, this is often not the best decision. 

How to Avoid

When the market is down, it presents an excellent opportunity to buy assets at a discount. If you sell everything when the market is down, you may miss out on the rebound. Instead, try to stay calm and rational, and make decisions based on your long-term goals. 

5. Getting Caught Up in the Hype

The fifth emotional mistake that investors make is getting caught up in the hype. When a stock or other asset is doing well, people will be talking about it. From social media to news reports and even family and friends. 

Mimetic desire is a philosophy that states that humans want what other humans want. Therefore, it can be easy for humans to want the investment that others want, even if the investment itself is not a good fit for their portfolio.

How to Avoid

The best way to avoid getting caught up in the hype is to do your own research. When you are considering an investment, be sure to look at the data and do your own due diligence. Don't make decisions based on what other people are doing. 

Emotional investing mistakes can be costly and cause you to miss out on potential gains. When an asset is doing well, it is important to remember that past performance does not guarantee future success. 

Instead of investing all of your money in the hot asset, try to diversify your portfolio and invest in a variety of different assets. This will help to protect you from losses if the hot asset suddenly goes cold.

6. Anger

Being angry at the CEO, at the economy, at the government, and even your friends for not owning the "right" investments can be a costly mistake. It is important to remember that you cannot control the market or anyone else. Getting angry will only lead to bad decisions. 

How to Avoid

The best way to avoid getting angry while investing is to take full responsibility for your decisions. When you have no one to blame but yourself, you are more likely to make rational decisions. 

You should also remember that everyone makes mistakes, even the most successful investors. Accepting this will help you to avoid getting angry when things go wrong.

7. Guilt

Another emotion that can lead to bad decisions is guilt. Many investors feel guilty about making money while others are losing money. They may also feel guilty about selling an investment that has gone down in value. 

As a provider for others, it can be difficult to process that you might have made a mistake and put the financial needs of your own portfolio over the security of your family.

How To Avoid

When it comes to investments, guilt is an unproductive emotion that can lead to suboptimal decision-making. The best way to avoid making decisions based on guilt is to remember that you are not responsible for the performance of the markets. 

You can only control your own investment decisions and how you react to market conditions. This may seem contradictory to the way to avoid anger but it's more directed towards letting go of your mistakes and learning from them.

It's also about understanding that everything has risks and sometimes things really are outside of your control. If you do find yourself feeling guilty about an investment decision, take a step back and ask yourself if the decision was made with the best information available at the time. 

If so, then there is no reason to feel guilty. Remember that you can't control the markets, but you can control your own investment decisions.

8. Resentment

Many people hold onto resentment like it's a precious commodity. They believe that if they let go of their resentment, they are giving up their power. But the truth is, resentment only weighs you down and prevents you from moving forward. 

It's important to forgive yourself and others to create a more positive future. Some people can resent a CEO for shady business practices, while others can resent their friends for persuading them to invest in hot stocks that ended up being worthless. 

Whatever the source of your resentment, it's important to let it go. Holding onto resentment will only prevent you from making sound investment decisions in the future. 

How To Avoid

Try to let go of your grudges and focus on the present moment. Don't dwell on past grievances or allow them to control your life. instead, focus on the good things that are happening right now. When you do this, you'll be able to move forward with a more positive outlook on life. 


To avoid making emotional investing mistakes, it is important to have a clear investment plan and stick to it. This plan should be based on your goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. It is also important to monitor your investments regularly so that you can catch any red flags early on. 

If you find yourself making emotional investment decisions, take a step back and ask yourself if you are being rational. If not, it may be best to sit on the sidelines until you can clear your head and make logical decisions. 

When sitting on the sidelines, seek triggers of emotional responses. Scarcity, resentment, impatience, greed, and fear can all lead to suboptimal decision-making. By understanding your triggers, you can avoid letting emotions dictate your investment choices. 

Avoiding these emotional mistakes will help you to be a more successful investor. Remember to stay calm, rational, and focused on your long-term goals. And always remember that past performance does not guarantee future success. If you can keep these things in mind, you will be well on your way to success in the world of investing.